Do you enjoy local history and want to get involved in your community? If so, then the Mount Prospect Historical Society is looking for volunteers like you!
We need your help in preserving and sharing Mount Prospect history. Some of these opportunities include leading tours of the Dietrich Friedrichs House, “teaching” visiting classes at Central School, and processing artifacts in the Historical Society’s collection. A full list of jobs is located below the application.
Please fill out the Volunteer Application below which will assess both your areas of interest and your time availability. * Please note that weekend availability is limited. *
You will then be contacted by a Society representative to discuss the next steps.
Job Descriptions
Living History & Education Programs
DFH Museum Tour Guide: Give tours of the Dietrich Friedrichs House museum.
Central School Schoolmarm/Schoolmaster: “Teach” in the Schoolhouse (For more information see the Living History Experience.)
Run programs: Help with educational programming for children and adults throughout the year
Schoolhouse Rentals
Help facilitate and set up rentals
Be an on-site representative during rentals
Data Entry: Transcribe handwritten documents, update collection and storage records, etc.
Digitization: Scan photographs and documents
Preservation: Safely store documents, photos, and artifacts
Research Inquiries: Investigate historical topics for exhibits, events, social media, etc.
Catalog New Objects: Describe and label new artifacts
Holiday Housewalk
Tour Guide: Give scripted commentary in a prescribed portion of a featured home
Ticket Sales/Check In: Desk helper