Titles can be used prior to or post Schoolhouse visit to enhance and/or extend the experience in the classroom.

A One-Room School: Historic Communities
by Bobbie Kalman
Examines the daily routine of the one-room school and includes stories and activities.
Hornbooks and Inkwells
by Verla Kay

Life in an eighteenth-century one-room schoolhouse might be different from today-but like any other pair of siblings, brothers Peter and John Paul get up to plenty of mischief! Readers follow the two as they work with birch-bark paper and hornbooks, play tricks on each other, get in trouble, and celebrate when John Paul learns to read and write.

School Days—A Little House Chapter Book
School is always exciting for Laura Ingalls and her sisters. Laura knows that learning can be fun, and there are so many friends to play with at recess!
These Happy Golden Years
by Laura Ingalls Wilder

The eighth book in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s treasured Little House series, and the recipient of a Newbery Honor.
Fifteen-year-old Laura lives apart from her family for the first time, teaching school in a claim shanty twelve miles from home. She is very homesick, but she knows that her earnings can help pay for her sister Mary’s tuition at the college for the blind. Only one thing gets her through the lonely weeks—every weekend, Almanzo Wilder arrives at the school to take Laura home for a visit. Friendship soon turns to love for Laura and Almanzo.

Samantha Learns a Lesson
by Susan S. Alder
Samantha attends Miss Crampton’s Academy, a private school for proper young ladies. Samantha wants to win the gold medal in the speaking contest, but she’s worried about Nellie, the poor servant girl who has become her friend. If she can teach Nellie to read, maybe the boys and girls at school will stop calling Nellie “dummy” and “ragbag.” Samantha sets up a school in Grandmary’s tower room and becomes Nellie’s teacher. But Nellie teaches Samantha some very im-portant lessons, too.

The Secret School by Avi
More than anything, Ida Bidson
wants to become a teacher. To do that, she must finish eighth grade, then go on to high school. But her dream falters when the one-room school in her remote Colorado town shuts down. Her only hope is to keep the school open without anyone finding out. Yet even a secret school needs a teacher. Ida can’t be it. . . . Or can she? Newbery Medal winner Avi creates an inspiring story of a headstrong girl determined to control her own destiny.