How did you personally cope during the first year of the Pandemic?
Everyone has had to creatively problem-solve or to expand their talents during this unusual time.
Did you draw with chalk on the sidewalk? Did you re-invent or create a daily family or personal routine? Did you do something to cheer your neighbors or friends? Did you volunteer? Did you donate food or assistance? Did you create artwork or crafts? Did you decorate your home or apartment windows? Did you change how you ran your business? Did you reach out in a different way to your customers?
As part of our ongoing Pandemic Moments Project we ask you to share your personal accounts of coping during the Pandemic. Stories unique to you or your business will capture snippets of the lives of Mount Prospect residents.
To frame the story, we will send a few questions to answer. Then we will summarize the responses and post with photos you submit.
Please send us your ideas! Email us your unique story idea (pan2020@mtphist.org). Or if you are aware of a neighbor or friend who has a story, please provide his/her contact information and we’ll reach out to ask if they will share.
Who will tell your story, if not you? Please help your fellow residents put the Pandemic into a larger context and providefuture historians with a snapshot of what life has been like during this COVID-19 Pandemic Please consider contributing to this important archive.
And be sure to log on to see your neighbors’ stories!