Does MPHS have photographs: No
Address: 302 W. Northwest Highway
Is building standing: Yes
When was it built: 1949
What is at site: Trezeros Kitchen + Tap
When was business founded: the lunch wagon opened in 1948 but the permanent structure opened in 1950
Is business still operating: No
If no, when did it close: 1952, sold to Mell and Paul Caltagirone
Who owned business: Myrt and Bill Hampe
Interesting stories, facts, history:
Myrt and Bill’s started as a lunch wagon on the corner of Northwest Highway and Central Road in 1948. Their lunch wagon opened in the spring and closed in October until the next spring. By late 1949, their business was in need of a place to serve their customers year round so they built a permanent structure at 302 W. Northwest Highway.
Myrt and Bill’s was referred to as “A friendly place to eat” and was known for their New York style hot dogs and burgers.
In 1952, Myrt and Bill sold their business to Mell and Paul Caltagirone and moved to California.