Below are links to useful information for event organizers who are looking for sponsors or to coordinate with other community events. Explore and see what other community organizations are doing to celebrate the Centennial:
Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce
Mount Prospect Downtown Merchants Association
Mount Prospect Historical Society
Prospect Heights Park District
Teacher Curriculum: Local History Unit

These ready-to-use activities are aligned with CCSS (Common Core State Standards) for easy implementation in conjunction with an existing curriculum, or for use as a stand-alone unit. Materials are available for a variety of grade and ability levels so students of all ages can learn about and experience Mount Prospect’s rich history.
- ABC Graffiti
- Bio Cube
- Close Reading
- Color Changing Milk
- Compare Contrast
- Life Cycle of an Onion
- Making Connections: Thinking Triangle
- Museum Labels
- Pen Pals from the Past
- People on the Move
- Questions and Responses
- Text Features
- Text Rendering
Fun Facts from Public Works!
- Miles of street centerline: 165
- Number of fire hydrants: 2,243
- Miles of water main: 165
- Average daily gallons billed: 3,272,650
- Number of metered accounts: 11,429
- Number of parkway trees: 23,955
- Number of acres of turf maintained: 53
- Number of years the Village has earned Tree City USA recognition: 31
- Tons of salt Village’s new salt dome holds: 5,500
- Number of annuals planted in 2016: 11,800
- Miles of storm main: 140
- Miles of sewer main: 159
- Number of Village owned street signs: 8,882
- Number of Village owned street lights: 1,095
- Number of water booster pump stations: 5
- Length in feet of Levee 37:
- Depth in feet of deep well 16 (our deepest well): 1,917
- Tons of road salt used in 2015: 4,500
- Gallons of liquid deicing (beet juice) used in 2015: 62,000
- Number of Village vehicles: 220
- Gallons of Diesel fuel used in 2015: 53,509
- Gallons of unleaded fuel used in 2015: 83,901
Fired Up! Hydrant Public Art Project: Round Two!
Fired Up! is a public art project coming to the Village of Mount Prospect for the second time! Residents and businesses alike are invited to participate in this fun activity. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make your creative mark on our fire hydrants throughout the Village, while helping decorate for Mount Prospect’s Centennial Celebration! Thank you for your support!