When was it founded: 1946
Where is it located: 200 South Wille Street
Has it moved: Yes
First Pastor or Priest: B. T. Anderson
History and interesting stories about the church:
Originally called Mount Prospect Evangelical Lutheran Church, services were first held in the Borgen home on South Edward Street, but were then moved to the basement of Central School. Following the church’s move, the congregation desired new religious leadership in the form of Reverend B. T. Anderson. With Reverend Anderson presiding, the first official service took place in 1946. By the time a permanent building was completed and dedicated in 1954, the church’s name had been changed to its current Saint Mark Lutheran Church. Throughout its years, Saint Mark has endured both change and growth. In 1957, change came in the form of a new pipe organ and a parish school; while, growth came in the form of building expansions in 1963 and 1969.